n-am de ce sa te ascult
nu e scrisul tau
o lene
ca e usor
sa pui vorbe
sunt o gramada de posibilitati
le întinzi ca pe o guma second-hand
urmeaza logica bataioasa a soldatilor de plumb nevinovat de corecti dupa toate regulile
ai putea da pasente le-ai putea amesteca între ele vopsea piese noroi sau orice altceva
asta daca nu vrei
te murdaresti pana la cot glinsandu-le pe textura mea
si absenta
ca pe niste bomboane raffaello
incredibil de volatile
pe buza de jos scriu ca ignor o suma de retete
de fapt
e foarte greu sa pui vorbe
cel mai mult mi-au placut zornaind
de foarte de sus ca niste zaruri
pe masa goala
nesfarsit de neagra si lunga
exact ca un viitor teribil de tentant
si incert
simt acut
o întepatura hilara
ma strange de gat gustul stramt de suflet
cersetor în haine de print
sau poate era gandul ca
cerneala se albeste vazand cu ochii
si-am uitat titlul pe aici pe undeva
printre vorbe
n-am de ce sa te ascult
RăspundețiȘtergerenu e scrisul tau
o lene
si e una permanenta, in care tu nu scrii, doar te prefaci ca nu exista rutina
Aş zice aşa :
RăspundețiȘtergereDar nu mai zic.
"Yes Yes
when God created love he didn't help most
when God created dogs He didn't help dogs
when God created plants that was average
when God created hate we had a standard utility
when God created me He created me
when God created the monkey He was asleep
when He created the giraffe He was drunk
when He created narcotics He was high
and when He created suicide He was low
when He created you lying in bed
He knew what He was doing
He was drunk and He was high
and He created the mountains and the sea and fire at the same time
He made some mistakes
but when He created you lying in bed
He came all over His Blessed Universe.
— Charles Bukowski